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Welcome to Washinspirations

We are a travel agency that combines safety with health to offer our clients a personalised and efficient service. Washinspirations, you will find a great selection of vacation plans, the best tour packages. Visit our selection of holiday plans and make your holiday an unforgettable experience. All your trips in one place.

About us

We are small but active tour agency fallen in love with Lake District

WASHI INSPIRATIONS is a well established quality Tour Operator with almost two decades of experience and expertise in the tourism industry, organizing a wide variety of Tours in Cusco, Puerto Maldonado and Peru, adventure travel, trekking, Amazon jungle trips and packages in Peru, extension tours to the Colca Canyon in Arequipa, the floating islands on Lake Titicaca in Puno or flying over the enigmatic Nazca Lines, Ballestas Islands or Paracas Reserve. ETC.

  • Our travel destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.
  • If you reject food, ignore clothing, fear religion and avoid people, you may be better off staying home.
  • Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed in what you didn't do than in what you did do.
Magical Tours
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